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the last romance

Photobucket ガブリエラ
19 I wander. I write. When I see something I take a picture of it. I have too much energy not to dance. I am too loud not to sing. Makeup and fashion are my kryptonite. Vogue and Nylon are my tombs of fortitude. I am such a fan girl for the following: Veronica Mars, Glee, Criminal Minds, Scott Pilgrim V.s. The World. I talk way too much, and probably divulge way too much information, but its okay, because one day someone is going to read my blog and when they get to the end they'll simply say she's amazing. Follow ~*ThE MaD hAtTeR*~ Gabbii Elizabeth

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rewind my past

Please do not remove the credits thanks.

the songs you used to play

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

the words we all said

tagboard here

the exits to escape

Joy Pandora Emily

the historys to forget


the sources of love

Designer : DEAD-dolliie

Friday, July 23, 2010
the stories that happened yesterday

SO my birthday positively rocked! I got a brand new camera.
you can visit my twitter to see the pictures I've taken!
kurokousagi.tumblr.com They're amazing Everything is so crisp and clear!

9:39 PM

Wednesday, July 21, 2010
the stories that happened yesterday

I AM SO PISSED OFF! The heels DON"T FIT. And why don't they fit??? BECAUSE THEY SENT ME THE WRONG SIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!How hard is it? I NEED A NINE WIDE!!!!! NOT A SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then to add to it, I had a serious headache, and couldn't really do anything yesterday and plus, I was warming up for dance practice, which I always do with tap shoes, always and without fail! The "Athletic Director" comes downstairs, and is like are those steel tap shoes? Are their any other type of tap shoes?! (keep in mind, this is the OLD GYM!) Um I don't want you tap dancing in here, we just re-did the floors. Well, I've been tapping since I was two and this is the same floor we danced on, I checked before I came in. " His exact words" = "Well If I knew you'd been dancing since you were two, (insert eye roll) then I would have told you no then too. (points finger) Are you even on the dance team??" Of course. "He's like you're aware that tap is not part of our program?" I'm aware. "then don't tap in here." and he just walks away! It took all I had not to nail him in the back of the head with my tap shoe, Ignorant bastard~!!
Then to add to my already bad day, I started tearing up when I had trouble with the straight leaps, and although I perfected the backwards summersalt (Yes, I know that's spelled incorrectly, you stupid red line), I had a HORRIBLE headache, like things were swimming in front of my eyes, and when I finally got picked up, The car was full of LOUD little Girls, meaning that it just got worse as the car ride went on,and on top of that, Poseidon just decided that he was tired of humans, and dropped a fucking tidal wave on our tiny city, that much rain is just seriously unnecessary. When I got home, I grabbed a wet washcloth put it over the eye that hurt and I fell asleep and slept through the whole night, I didn't even wake up for dinner, which I'm kind of upset over because it was Hoagies and my mother's ultimate potato fries, which if you ain't in the know is the probably the BEST tasting potato fries ever, in like the entire world.
Then I had to get up even earlier than usual so I could turn my room upside down looking for a white pair of pants for my sister to wear during her Performance today, but it wasn't all bad because in the midst I found my Reversable vest!!!!!!! I really like the outfit I'm wearing today too, so be on the look out for outfit of the day posts...Or maybe I'll just make a video of it, along with the four tutorials, I have to show everyone. YAY! All of those will be posted today! I refuse to go another day!!!!!!!!!!! went to Krogers, and saw Hayley Williams on the cover of Spin and had to get it. And at this I end my rant entry.
**Sexy doesn't have to be a girl showing off her goodies** Hayley Williams

Peculiarly Yours,
Gabriella xoxo

1:42 PM

the stories that happened yesterday

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12:54 PM

the stories that happened yesterday

I miss blogging. I miss little paragraphs of my inner thoughts gracing my computer screen. I haven't blogged, and I mean really blogged in a really long time. The last like five entries have all been quickies and review posts. So, I've gone kinda crazy with amazon. I've ordered a nice pair of heels, and mp3 player, 3 toys for my sisters birthday ( Shhh it's a secret), and my makeup. I finally came up with an extravagant look for my new tutorial. Which is really about time. I just wish Fafinette would post more videos! She was my inspiration!!!!!!!
Speaking of inspiration, I have given my father a proposition to create a laptop, especially designed for me! He asked me to create a list of requirements, such as what I want in it and this is a short hand list of what I gave him.
1.) I know this makes me a total wierdo, but I asked for an old keyboard, such as ones found on Hitachi laptops. Basically, the really big and chunky keys that make a sound when I'm typing, That's how my first computer sounded and it's just a kind of calming sound for me, very nostalgic.
2.) I asked for at least 4 Usb 2.0 ports.
3.)Fireware port. The only reason I call this a short hand list is because I can't for the life of me remember the rest of my list. So I'm hoping to have this finished by the time school starts in late august.
I really love fashion. and its starting to make me re-think my life plan. I had it all figured out. 8 years of school. 4 years of Grad school, particularly in London, or Japan, and then Searching for a job in colleges, for professor of history, possibly gather tenure, and then move on to becoming the HEAD curator of the Smithsonian. However, now, I'm kinda slowly moving away from that. The other day, I spent hours, Like a whole two days just designing. There are loads of pieces that totally translate to my way of sewing. And the designs would stitch up really easily. So, although my major goal isn't completely gone, its kind of like morphed into having something to deal with fashion. Like the other day I saw a billboard that had an exhibit at the art museum and it was film costumes through history. Maybe my passions can blend that way? I'm hoping so, because I don't really want to give up on my dream.
I haven't decided on when I should move in. But today i'm looking to see if I can find my list of books for my classes.I can't log onto my student registry. Like at all, It takes my username and pin and then the screen goes blank. I've tried this on 12 different computers, so it has to be me! I just don't know why it would do this, and when I called ISS of course they didn't have an answer for me.... So I can't print out a list of my classes, or see if my books are posted yet or anything! Classes are the 23rd of August!!!!!!!!! I'm already being rushed to move in, because they want it to be the weekend before classes. I like to get comfortable with my surroundings. I'm going to be in a completely different room, with a new roommate, I need to get used to this, and they don't seem to care. And quite frankly, I'm getting very tired of people not caring! Why is that everytime something school related doesn't work then it works in Internet Explorer. I HATE INTERNET EXPLORER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bridget wants to go get another piercing. Either an industrial or a trangus. But their sooo expensive! I still don't know which one Im going to choose + Im running out of time. I'm so excited to move in! I was researching, Both of them are dangerous because of the fact that both area's have bones in them. WHich just makes my skin crawl... So I still haven't fully decided yet.

Peculiarly yours,
Gabriella xoxo

10:02 AM